Thursday, January 12, 2012

Activity 4: Exploration of Science Education Standards

4th Grade Standards

A.4.3 When investigating a science-related problem, decide what data can be collected to determine the most useful explanations

For my biology class last year, at UWSP, our final project was to write a paper.  I chose to write about the increased chance of melanoma due to indoor tanning.  When investigating this “problem” I had to decide which data would determine the most useful explanations.  I knew that the best way to explain how indoor tanning was directly related to skin cancer was to uncover how the UV rays directly affected skin cells.  This is one of the many ways I can show that I have met this standard.

B.4.1 Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations

I can relate this standard to my biology project as well.  I used multiple sources to answer questions, and plan my investigation.  For instance, I asked my teacher for the best way to approach my topic, and I paged through multiple journals, books, articles, newspapers, etc.  As you can see, I used multiple sources to help me answer science related questions and plan investigations.  Clearly, I have met this standard.

C.4.4 Use simple science equipment safely and effectively, including rulers, balances, graduated cylinders, hand lenses, thermometers, and computers, to collect data relevant to questions and investigations

In my biology class we were required to handle graduated cylinders to complete an assignment.  To do so, we had to understand how to handle the equipment safely and come up with accurate results.  For this particular assignment, we were also required to use thermometers.  I have undoubtedly met this standard because I was able to handle all of the equipment safely and effectively, and I was able to collect the data necessary. 

D.4.3. Understand that substances can exist in different states-solid, liquid, gas

During my high school biology class we were required to observe the different states of matter for multiple substances.  Because I had already known that substances can exist in solid states, a liquid states, and a gaseous states, I was able to understand the lab without a problem.  It is obvious that I had met the above standard.

E.4.4 Identify celestial objects (stars, sun, moon, planets) in the sky, noting changes in patterns of those objects over time

In my astronomy class I was responsible for viewing objects such as stars, clusters, and plants, over a period of time.  I was required to go back each week to note the changes of the sky over time.  I also paid close attention to the moon.  I noticed how it changed over time, and was able to recognize it’s different phases.  Because I was able to do all this, I clearly have met the standard above.

F.4.3 Illustrate* the different ways that organisms grow through life stages and survive to produce new members of their type

In my biology class, I was required to draw the different stages of plant life. I was also required to illustrate how flowers reproduced.  Because I was able to do this, I have clearly met the above standard. 

G.4.1 Identify* the technology used by someone employed in a job or position in Wisconsin and explain* how the technology helps

In my foods class last semester, we were required to do a paper on trends in the restaurant industry.  There are multiple restaurant jobs in Wisconsin, where technology helps a lot.  One of the most important and efficient technologies in a restaurant is the computer system.  This allows for waitresses to enter in the customer’s order and send it directly to the kitchen.  Because I was able to come up with this information, it is clear I have met this standard.

H.4.1 Describe* how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care

In my technology class last semester, we discussed the topic of biotechnology.  While researching this topic, I found that biotechnology aids tremendously in producing more nutritious foods.  Not only can it increase the nutrients in foods, but it can also aid in producing higher crop yields, and making food “taste” better.  This shows that I have met the standard listed above.    

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